Body and Breath Fresh Review

This is an in-depth review of Body and Breath Fresh. This product aims to be a natural remedy for bad breath and body odor. This product is recommended by top medical professionals in the industry and it comes with top-notch purity and the optimal dosage for power-packed results.


The major ingredients of this product are:

  • Lactobacillus Acidophillus – this is a probiotic found in your body that helps control the growth of fungi
  • Chlorophyllin copper complex or Chlorophyllin SCC – absorbs and neutralizes odor-causing compounds and toxins
  • Green tea extract – an antioxidant that fights bacterial infection
  • Magnolia bark extract – a natural ingredient known to reduce stress
  • Peppermint oil – used as an antimicrobial agent
  • Fennel Seed – stimulates intestinal motion to aid in digestion

Other Ingredients:

  • Gelatin
  • Magnesium stearate
  • Calcium carbonate


It is recommended to take two to three capsules in a day. For ongoing support, one capsule must be taken in the morning and one capsule must be taken in the afternoon.


You can choose to buy one of the following packages based on your individual condition:

  • Top Selling Package: This is a six bottle supply known as the best value package which allows you to buy three bottles at a regular price and get three bottles free. The discounted package price is $139.80 against the list price of $359.70, thus enabling you to save $220.
  • Progressive Package: This is a five bottle supply which allows you to buy three bottles at a regular price and get two bottles free. The discounted package price is $124.75 against the list price of $299.75, thus enabling you to save $175.
  • Advanced Package: This is a four bottle supply which allows you to buy two bottles at a regular price and get two bottles free. The discounted package price is $111.80 against the list price of $239.80, thus enabling you to save $128.
  • Moderate Package: This is a three bottle supply which allows you to buy two bottles at a regular price and get one bottle free. The discounted package price is $95.85 against the list price of $179.85, thus enabling you to save $84.
  • Beginner’s Package:  This is a two bottle supply which allows you to buy one bottle at a regular price and get one bottle at half the price (50% off). The discounted package price is $69.90 against the list price of $119.90, thus enabling you to save $50.
  • Sampler Package: You can get one bottle at a discounted rate of $49.95 with this package.

Possible Side Effects

Pregnant women, nursing mothers and those taking medications should consult a medical professional before using this product. In case of any adverse reactions, you should stop using it and seek immediate medical attention.

Manufacturer’s Commitment

This product comes with a 60-day risk-free money back guarantee that shows the manufacturer’s commitment to customer satisfaction.

The Bottom Line

Some of the major benefits of this product include the money back guarantee program, myriad range of discounted buying packages to choose from, potency of the ingredients and quality of the product. This product seems to be the perfect product if you’re looking to combat body and breath odor. We highly recommend it.

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Hyperbiotics Pro-Dental Review

This is going to be a review of Hyperbiotics Pro-Dental review. According to the manufacturer, this product is meant to effectively help reduce tooth decay, staining, gum disease, bad breath, tonsil stones, and canker sores. The company states this product is all natural with no additives of any kind and also has a long shelf life. If you are looking for a product that can aid you with your oral heath, please keep reading this review to learn more.




This product contains the following ingredients:

  • 3 billion CFU Proprietary Probiotic Blend which consists of: S. salivarius K12, S. salivarius M18, L. reuteri, L. paracasei
  • Chelated Zinc
  • Isomalt Insulin
  • Microcrystalline Cellulose
  • Glyceryl Behenate
  • Dicalcium Phosphate
  • Natural Mint Extact
  • Stevia

This product is lactose-free, vegetarian, Non-GMO, and yeast free. This product contains no soy, iron, gluten, nuts, chemicals, preservatives, sugar, artificial colors, flavors, or sweeteners.


It is recommended you dissolve 1 tablet one or twice a day, preferably after you have brushed your teeth or used mouthwash. If you need intense repair for your teeth, it is recommended you dissolve 2 to 3 tablets once or twice a day. You do not need to store this product in the fridge.

Possible Side Effects

The manufacturer states as with any dietary supplement, you should first consult with your physician or healthcare professional. You must be extra cautious if you are a woman who is pregnant or nursing, someone with an existing condition or someone who is currently taking a prescribed medication.


The price for one bottle is currently going for $25.00. The original retail price for this bottle is $45.00, which makes the current price much more desirable. There is also the option of purchasing the products in bulk, which would only cost $70.00 as opposed to $135.00. This is currently the only option for a bulk discount.


If for any reason you are not satisfied with your product, you can contact the company and they will assist through the process. You either get a different supplement or you can get a full refund of your purchase.

There are generally positive reviews for this product on an authorized seller’s website. Many customers have stated an improvement of their oral hygiene after taste it. There were some people who did not find this product worked with them, stating this product did not help gums or create breath freshness.


Hyperbiotics Pro-Dental seems to be a solid product. It has very positive customer reviews, most state this product is great for oral health. It is also great they do provide returns; whoever, 30 days is a bit short of a time frame to determine if the product really works with you and your body. It is also a bit tedious they do not offer auto shipments for loyal customers. Instead of having to purchase the large bottles in bulk, there should be a way for loyal customers to do an auto-renewal, that way they won’t have to worry about running out of capsules.

Click here to learn about our top oral hygiene products.

Progressive Health Clorial Review

This is  a review of Progressive Health Clorial. According to the manufacturer, this product is a bad breath remedy and is meant to combat bad breath by neutralizing bacteria and aiding in the healing process of unhealthy gums. They state this product has a “synergistic blend of vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, and potent botanicals” which support oral health. If you are someone who is suffering from chronic bad breath and wish to learn more about this product, please keep reading this review to find out more.




The ingredients for this product are:

  • 325 mg Vitamin C
  • 1000 mcg Folic Acid
  • 15 mg CoQ-10
  • 50 mg Lactoferrin
  • 6 mg Thyme Powder
  • 6 mg Eucalyptus
  • 500 mg Peppermint Oil

Other ingredients include: hypromellose, rice powder, and magnesium stearate, natural flavor, sucralose, silicon dioxide, and cellulose.


The recommended dosage for this product is to take 2 tablets followed by a glass of water to help freshen your breath.

Possible Side Effects

According to the manufacturer, they have stated there has been no mention of a serious side effect when taking this product. That being said, you should still consult with your doctor about any supplement you wish to take. Always speak to your doctor first if you have an already existing medical condition, if you are a woman who is pregnant or nursing, or someone who is taking a prescription medication.


There are price bundles for this product listed on the website. For a month’s supply (one bottle) you will have to pay the asking manufacturer’s price of $49.95. The second tier will require you to purchase three bottles to get one free which comes out to $149.85, which is 50 dollars less than the MSRP of $199.80. The last package requires you to purchase four bottles to get two free which includes free shipping and the discounted price of $199.80 which is $99.90 less than the MSRP of $299.70. The best deal would require you to purchase the most bottles, not something that is ideal for a new customer who is unsure about the product.


There is a 180 day money back guarantee. The company states if you are unsatisfied with the product for whatever reason they will issue a full refund (less the shipping costs) to you when you ship the package and all its contents back within 180 days after the purchase date.

There are currently no customer reviews found on the manufacturer’s website for this product.


Progressive Health’s Clorial tablets seems to be a natural way to combat chronic bad breath or halitosis. The company lists all the ingredients used in this product and has a very strong 180 day money back guarantee. We did take note this product is a bit more expensive than other supplements and in order for you to get any sort of discount, you would have to purchase three or more bottles in one shot, which is not ideal for a new customer. The other factor which makes us unsure if this is truly a solid product is the lack of reviews on it. As a result, we suggest you look for a more suitable supplement.

Click here to learn about our top oral hygiene products.

Body Odor and Food

Body Odor and Food

Body odor is the result of the sweat coming into direct contact with the bacteria which appears on the surface of the skin, mainly in the armpit area where it feeds on the secretions. The unpleasant smell can be caused by various reasons with diet being the main one. Specific foods and the presence of certain compounds found in what we eat can lead to a stronger body smell. This problem can be easily fixed by identifying the foods the lead to the unpleasant odor and by cutting back on the amount of them that is introduced in a daily diet. Reducing one food item at a time would lead to identifying the root of the problem without giving up on too many products.

Foods and Drinks that Lead to Body Odor

Body Odor and FoodThere are various products from all food and drink types that can lead to a foul body odor. One of the most common vegetables, for example, that enhances the smell of the body is garlic. The majority of people will experience a bad body odor on top of the bad breath when consuming garlic, onion and any other strong smelling vegetables.

Meats are also linked with a bad body over when consumed in high quantities on a regular basis. According to several scientific analysis, people who consume meat tend to have a stronger body odor than does who focus on a non meat diet or consume meat in small quantities and not daily. The bad smell is caused due to the long time it takes for meat to processed by the body, therefore it ends up decaying in the digestive system and increasing toxicity.

Alcohol is another leading suspect for increasing the severity of a bad body odor. This substance can be Body Odor and Foodeliminated through sweat and when it comes into contact with the bacteria that feeds on this body fluid, the odor only intensifies. Caffeine is linked by researchers in the same way as alcohol. If consumers suspect this to be the cause of the odor they should reduce or even eliminate drinks that contain caffeine, as well as chocolate.

While product can cause the bad smell on their own, certain people may suffer from a disorder that does not allow them to break down trimethylamine, an amino acid which can be found in many different foods. If they cannot process this compound it will build up in the system and lead to a body odor that smells fishy. Although the condition is quite rare, consuming soy, eggs, milk, beans, cabbage and any other vegetables related with it will lead to a foul, fish like smell. If someone is aware of this disorder he or she can only identify the product and significantly reducing its consumption.


A foul body odor can be caused by a large variety of foods or specific compounds found within certain drinks and foods. The best way to deal with this problem is to eliminate every food or drink one by one until the culprit is found.

How to Immediately Improve a Bad Breath

How to Immediately Improve a Bad Breath

Bad breath is a common problem that worries many whether they are kids going to school or adults getting ready for an office meeting. Its causes differ as halitosis can be caused by poor diet, bad oral hygiene or various gum diseases that may go unnoticed and untreated. In any case bacteria is the main cause of this widely encountered issue and in today’s busy social life not everyone has the time to regularly focus on proper oral hygiene.

How to Immediately Improve a Bad BreathThe usual methods of brushing teeth and tongue regularly as well as using mouthwash and flossing are still the best ways of maintaining a pleasant odor and clearing the bacteria which causes the foul smell. That, however, may not be enough as diet can be erratic depending on individual plus everyone reacts differently to foods and products. Here are a few tips on how to improve your bad breath quickly when you simply can’t brush your teeth at the moment and you’re out of mints or chewing gum.

Tips on Stopping Bad Breath

Drinking water is one of the simplest things you can do to immediately improve your breath, especially if you are feeling dehydrated and that your mouth or throat is dry. Dehydration leads to a lack of saliva and this will lead to a foul breath. The human saliva actually prevents the gases caused by the bacteria to be released and to be felt. Hydration will keep the production of saliva going and it will trap the bad smell immediately.

Another quick way of improving your breath is eating an apple. Apples will actually scrape off food particles and bacteria that is feeding on them. Bite on this oral cleaning fruit to not only clean your teeth but to also maxresdefaultneutralize the odor. Apples have been proven to have bad odor neutralizing abilities that will counter the foul smelling gases produced by the bacteria.

If you just had a meal that had garlic or onion in it, have no fear as you can neutralize some of the smell, if not all of it, but chewing on parsley. This commonly used veggie has been discovered to have certain enzymes that will eliminate the smell caused by garlic. Many foods have garlic in them and when gum isn’t available, just ask for some parsley garnishing with your meal.

Speaking of vegetables, carrots and celery are two other common mouth cleaning food items. Similar to the apple, the texture of these legumes will scrub off the food particles as well as the bacteria clinging to them. This is not their only effects as these watery veggies will actually promote the production of saliva which will further trap the foul gases released by the bacteria.


Maintaining oral hygiene is essential for preventing bad breath but sometimes people just don’t have access to their toothbrush or gum. In these cases there are many solutions that will quickly improve the situation as water and apples can be found literally in any building.

How to Treat Body Odor with Herbs

How to Treat Body Odor with Herbs

An unpleasant odor will be experienced when the body’s sweat comes into contact with the bacteria that grows in the area and feeds on this bodily fluid. If the sweat is not cleaned almost immediately the number of bacteria will increase rapidly, thus leading to an intense smell. A person who suffers from excessive sweating could prevent the bacteria from appearing by using the herbs that are renowned for their bacteria eliminating characteristics. Without the bacteria, the sweat will not emit such a potent smell and can be controlled far easier.

Anti-bacterial SpicesHow to Treat Body Odor with Herbs

Everyone has spices and herbs in the kitchen and they may not even know that most of them are natural antibiotics and perfect for creating a sterile area where the bacteria will not breed out of control. Ginger, cinnamon and cloves are some of the most common spices and they all are strong bacteria repellents. Any of these products can be easily applied to the unpleasant smelling area, such as armpits, by simply smearing the powder where the bacteria forms. They will prevent or eliminate the bacteria, thus the sweat will not smell nearly as bad as there is not bacteria to react with.

Herbal Extracts and Oils

Oils extracted from various plants such as lavender or oregano can prove to be deodorants as well as natural anti-bacterial agents. These substances will combat the bacteria that forms on the armpits or any other area where sweat quickly builds up and will also eliminate the smell due to the pleasant fragrance of the plant. These extracts can be somewhat irritating when coming into contact with the skin, especial if the skin is known to be highly sensitive in general, but this effect can be counteracted. The user should mix the extract or oil together with any other oil extracted from vegetables. Doing this will not reduce the effect or properties of the herb but it will prevent the irritation of the skin.

Oregano and Rosemary

How to Treat Body Odor with HerbsBoth of these herbs have been proven to be highly effective when it comes to eliminating bacteria and preventing them from building up. Oregano and rosemary will combat any bacteria or fungus that will cause a bad body odor when coming into contact with sweat. The most effective way of using these herbs would be by adding them to a bath. They will eliminate the bacteria and provide the skin with a protective layer that will prevent bacteria from appearing for extended period of time, depending on how often the herbs are used. At the very least they will provide the user more time to clean the sweat far before it starts emitting the unpleasant smell that can be felt by others.


Foul odor caused by the presence of bacteria and their reaction with sweat can easily be prevented or reduced by using some of the most common herbs and spices. They are easily accessible to anyone and can be used in simple ways without any kind of side effects.

Nature can Freshen Bad Body Odor

Nature can Freshen Bad Body Odor

Many people believe that bad odor is simply caused by sweat, but that is only partially true. While sweat is only half of the problem people should refrain from using methods of reducing or even stopping the sweating process as it is highly necessary for the body to stay healthy. Instead, the other half of the problem can be controlled as the unpleasant odor is actually caused by certain types of bacteria that live in areas such as the underarm and will feast on the nutrients that are released through the sweat. Their process of consumption will lead to reactions that cause a foul smell.Nature can Freshen Bad Body Odor

Hygiene is a highly important element in combating bad odors but often it is simply not enough. People with bad odor may simply not have the time to shower several times a day due to work or other schedules and excessive sweating, especially during summer would often offer the bacteria the perfect opportunity to consume, breed and emit foul odors. There are other ways however, of eliminating bacteria and repelling it for longer periods of time or simply reducing the severity of the odor itself. The potency of the odor, for example, can be controlled by diet regulation and avoiding various foods or drinks that are known for heightening the odor’s strength, while the number of bacteria can be controlled with the use of natural herbs or oils that are highly common in the kitchen.

Change your diet

It is a well-established fact that various foods and drinks can enhance the bad body odor while others can have a deodorizing effect even. There are many products that can enhance the smell, depending on individual, and eliminating or reducing this item in the diet is crucial. This can be accomplished by eliminating 1 food or drink at a time until the culprit is found. Once it’s been discovered, the consumer should reduce the quantity he eats or drink and if necessary even eliminate this item from the diet entirely. Most common examples of such foods and drinks are onion, garlic, coffee, alcohol, cabbage and many more depending on the person. Adding green, leafy vegetables such as spinach to your diet would even reduce the smell by acting as a natural deodorant.

Natural Remedies

While deodorants and antiperspirants can be used some may be sensitive to them and not be able to tolerateNature can Freshen Bad Body Odor these products. In such a case they can seek an answer from nature, as it provides many types of herbs that are known from killing the odor-causing bacteria. Herbs like lavender and peppermint, as well as common spices such as cinnamon are known for their bacteria eliminating properties. Anyone can have easy access to these products and be able to apply them directly in the area where bacteria needs to be eliminated. Other herbs, such as lavender can be even be used for the deodorizing effects and not just for killing the bacteria.


The unpleasant body odor needs to be controlled with proper hygiene but that may not be enough. If the odor reappears quickly, then the person experiencing it should adjust his diet accordingly and enlist the help of herbs and oils extracted from them. These natural remedies are easy and inexpensive to obtain, usually side effect free and can be easily applied.

Preventing Bad Breath

Preventing Bad Breath

Bad breath is one of the most common hygiene problems people encounter. It is mainly the result of bacteria building up to consume nutrients from the food particles stuck between the teeth and around the mouth, thus releasing unpleasant gases as a result of their digesting process. Food particles as well as the bacteria can be eliminated by making certain diet adjustments but more importantly, by improving oral hygiene and regularly applying all methods of dental care.Preventing Bad Breath

The Pesky Morning Breath

Nearly everyone wakes up with a bad breath or the so-called “doggy breath” in the morning and quickly head to the bathroom to brush their teeth. The main reason why this is happening is saliva. During the night the build up of saliva is significantly reduced or even halted, thus turning the mouth into an even more appropriate environment where bacteria will quickly build up. The amount of saliva can be reduced for other reasons as well, mainly diet related.

Other Causes

Alcohol consumption is another way of lower the amount of saliva present in the mouth as the alcohol found in many beverages will dehydrate the body, therefore reduce the production of saliva as well. Bacteria will quickly begin to multiply and worsen the breath. Avoiding alcohol or reducing the amount that you drink will help the body stay dehydrated and keep producing saliva.

Dieting and not hydrating yourself enough is another common cause that leads to a bad breath. Chewing food leads to more saliva, thus less bacteria and less odor. If you need to restrict yourself and eat less then it is highly advisable to drink more water in order to compensate and product more saliva. Eating various types of foods can also lead to a bad breath. For instance eating garlic or onion will significantly worsen the breath and same goes with drinking coffee or alcoholic beverages. Diet plays a crucial role and those with bad breath should analyze theirs and make adjustments accordingly.

Treating Bad BreathPreventing Bad Breath

For the vast majority of people bad breath is caused by bacteria and improving oral hygiene is enough to take care of the problem. Regularly brushing the teeth, as well as the tongue, will clear a vast amount of bacteria and remove food particles that would draw the bacteria to feast on them and rapidly multiply.

Flossing is another method for maintaining hygiene and it is crucial for those with bad breath. Brushing is not enough for removing food particles stuck between the teeth. Bacteria can escape and thrive there and still cause a bad breath even though you brushed your teeth with toothpaste and used mouthwash.


There is no single solution for treating bad breath. Everyone should use every single method of dental hygiene regularly on a daily basis. On top of that, those with halitosis should also regulate their diet by eliminating foods that lead to bad breath and by eating those which eliminate unpleasant odors.